EKU Partner Offices
The Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX works with multiple individuals and offices and departments across campus to increase our reach and to ensure members of the EKU community feel supported and have knowledge of the all the available resources EKU has to offer. See the list of our EKU partner offices below with a brief description of each. Click on the Office you wish to learn more about to go to their webpage.
Center for Student Accessibility
Assists students, faculty, and staff with disabilities by coordinating campus and program accessibility as well as providing support in the attainment of educational and work goals.
Counseling Center
Provides a wide variety of mental health enhancement free of charge to EKU students.
Dean of Students
Provides a wide array of information regarding EKU student resources and support, including referrals and accommodations.
EKU Green Dot
Trains and educates the university community in bystander intervention and violence prevention.
EKU Police Department
Has full law enforcement authority on all University property, and concurrent jurisdiction on all roads and streets adjacent to the campus. Additionally, they have the authority to investigate crimes committed on University property anywhere in the state.
Student Assistance and Intervention Team (SAIT)
Responds to reports of students in the campus community who appear to be troubled or troubling, and intervene before the student behavior reaches a crisis level.